
Dokuz Eylul University, Computer Engineering Department was founded in 1994 by the founding head Prof. Dr. Esen ÖZKARAHAN. The undergraduate program has started in 1995. The program language is English. Those students, who fail to pass the English Proficiency Test, must attend the English Preparatory Class. The education was conducted in the classical system until 2007, but after the 2007-2008 academic year, the Project / Problem-Based Learning system was adopted. Currently, based on a relative grading system; group and individual applications, written exams with assignments and project based evaluation is used. Since its establishment, Formal Education program has been implemented. In addition to Undergraduate Education, Master and PhD programs in Computer Engineering are offered at the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. The language of graduate programs is English.

Until 2007, education was carried out through the classical system, and then the Project / Problem-Based Learning system was adopted from the academic year 2007-2008. Currently, in addition to written exams based on group and individual applications within the relative grading system, an evaluation system based on assignments and projects is also implemented.

Our department has been making intense efforts to provide a quality education in international standards for years. Our department is proud to have the MÜDEK accreditation document since 2007, the European Accredited Engineer (EUR-ACE) label since 2009, the International Diploma Supplement Label since 2012, and the ECTS Label since 2013.

The BOLOGNA Process (European Higher Education Area compatibility studies) started in 2010 to enable citizens of countries within the European Higher Education Area to easily study or work in Europe for educational purposes, and it continues. Our department students can benefit from student exchange programs such as Erasmus, Farabi, and Mevlana.

Our department offers Horizontal Transfer, Vertical Transfer, Double Major and Minor programs. The student must pass all the courses in the curriculum, complete a 12-week internship and a Final Project successfully, provide a minimum of 240 ECTS credits, and have a general GPA of at least 2.00 / 4.00 to graduate.

Our department students have won the first, second and third places in various competitions (TÜBİTAK, Microsoft Imagine Cup, IBM Software Academy, GBYF, etc.) under the guidance of the faculty members.

As of 2023, education, teaching and research activities are carried out with a wide academic staff consisting of 3 professors, 5 associate professors, 5 doctor lecturers, 3 lecturers, and 5 research assistants. There are two main disciplines in the Department of Computer Engineering: Computer Software and Computer Hardware. Some of the Research Assistants are included in the Faculty Member Training Program (ÖYP) or the 35th article of Law No. 2547.

Education is generally conducted in 6 classrooms, 7 working laboratories, 1 digital electronics laboratory, and 3 educational halls within a three-story building. In addition, other classrooms and laboratories are used jointly with other departments of our faculty. In addition to these, there are 4 research laboratories that can provide support for our students’ projects and theses, located next to the offices of our faculty members. Furthermore, through the Information Technologies Research and Application Center (DEBTAM), which is affiliated with our Rectorate and whose majority of Board of Directors Members are formed by our Department’s faculty members, scientific research and development activities can be carried out, interdisciplinary studies can be based, institutional and non-institutional collaborations can be facilitated in IT projects, university-industry cooperation can be facilitated, technological and physical infrastructure that can host our students’ IT projects can be provided, and professional training can be given on various subjects.

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