Project Based Learning Labs

Project Based Learning Labs



Computer Engineering Department has 6 special LABs for courses based on project based learning principles. These labs are used to teach teamwork in projects and creating software based on their theoretical knowledge they learned in classes.  All of the steps of traditional projects (analyze, design, coding, testing, presentation, report writing) are taught methodically.






  • Education: Labs are used for education with project based learning (PBL) principles. Students are taught project management, teamwork, communication, presentation and technical report writing skills.

In the laboratory given lessons are as follows :

CME 1251 Project Based Learning I

CME 1252 Project Based Learning II


Lab Infrastructure


  • Equipment And Devices :

15 pieces iMAC computers (MacOS operating system )

10 pieces desktop computers (Windows operating system)

Projection devices​

Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections


  • Licensed Software :

Software development programs

office programs


  • Physical Facilities : Laboratory fields

LAB1 8.4 x 5.2 m2 physical area , 6 tables , 30 students capacity

LAB2 8.4 x 5.2 m2 physical area , 6 tables , 30 students capacity

LAB3 8.4 x 8.4 m2 physical area , 8 tables , 40 students capacity

LAB4 8.4 x 8.4 m2 physical area , 8 tables , 40 students capacity

LAB5 8.4 x 8.4 m2 physical area , 8 tables , 40 students capacity

LAB6 8.4 x 8.4 m2 physical area , 8 tables , 40 students capacity


  • Lab Photos





  • Lab Supervisor :

Res.Asst.Fatih DICLE


  • Academic staff ( teaching members , research assistants )

Prof. Dr. Derya BİRANT

Prof. Dr. Semih UTKU

Instructor Şerife YILMAZ

Instructor Tanzer ONURGİL

Res.Asst. Fatih DICLE

Res. Asst. Onur Can DOGANLAR

Res. Asst. Ege Kara

Res. Asst. Orkun ÇINAR





  • Communication Information : Res.Asst. Fatih DICLE

E- mail :

Phone: +90 (232) 301 74 23


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